sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 17, 2020

top ten literary pets
posted by soe 1:43 am

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic from That Artsy Reader Girl asks about the top ten characters I’d name a pet after, but I probably wouldn’t do that. Or, rather, I might, but I would have ended up there, rather than starting there, if that makes sense. (I’m totally not judging you if you do. I’d be the first to ask if that was the inspiration, to be honest.)

So, instead, I’ll give you a topic-adjacent list and give you ten of my favorite pets in books in the order in which they occurred to me:

  1. Eartha Kitty in The Voting Booth
  2. Fang in the Harry Potter series
  3. Dog Monday in Rilla of Ingleside
  4. Old Lace in the Runaways graphic novel series
  5. Winn-Dixie in Because of Winn-Dixie
  6. Hound in the Penderwicks series
  7. Pickwick in the Thursday Next series
  8. Cat Annoyance in The Man Called Ove
  9. Ivan in The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise
  10. Max in The Grinch Who Stole Christmas

What are some of your favorite bookish pets?

Also, since you’re here, may I direct you to information on next month’s Virtual Advent Tour?

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