sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 25, 2024

cats, community, and clearer
posted by soe 1:42 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. Two new family members moved into the Burrow this week, a 3-month-old little boy cat and a 4-month-old little girl cat. I’ll share more about them very soon, but know we are in love (even as we are suddenly doing a very big house cleaning since the female kitten, in particular, loves to find all the dusty places under and behind things!).

2. Friends helped me raise nearly a thousand dollars for a suicide prevention walk this past weekend. I can’t begin to say how much their generosity and support mean.

3. We washed our windows this week and the amount of light let back in is noticeable. (Our windows are below street level in a window well, so they get filthy when rain bounces off the ground and hits them.)

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are Comments Off on cats, community, and clearer.

October 18, 2024

winterizing, a recommendation, and let’s go mets!
posted by soe 1:58 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. We spent last weekend in Connecticut with my parents. We did a lot of work around the yard, with a huge assist from Hod and Joanne, family friends who are like an aunt and uncle to my brother and me. We also got to celebrate my dad’s birthday and eat apple crisp and lots of pizza.

2. Rudi’s friend Rachel needed a vet and remembered that I’d said we liked ours. She was much happier with how they treated her and her cats, so I’m glad we were able to connect them.

3. Rudi and I listened to the second game of the NLCS on our drive home Monday. The Mets had a grand slam and scored seven runs, and they still managed to keep us on the edge of our seats before winning the game mere blocks before we arrived home. Good for staying alert as the drive wore on, but so stressful. (The Mets are in a must-win situation now against a very strong Dodger team. May our pitching arms and our bats warm up as we need them.)

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

Category: sports,three beautiful things. There is/are Comments Off on winterizing, a recommendation, and let’s go mets!.

October 11, 2024

see you later, here comes the sun, and do it anyway
posted by soe 1:31 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. The Mets advance to the NLCS on a Francisco Lindor grand slam at Citi Field in the fourth game of the playoff against Philly.

2. After 12 straight days of rain, this week was beautiful. I spent time in the garden and knitting at a cafe and eating on a rooftop.

3. The folks who were going to do the District Hunt with me this year all ended up having to cancel. Instead of sulking, I did part Saturday morning and then went and played volleyball (because it was inconveniencing no one) and resumed it on Sunday afternoon. Did I run out of time to finish it? Yes. Did I let doing it alone stop me? No, I did not. And folks have already expressed interest in doing it together next year.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are Comments Off on see you later, here comes the sun, and do it anyway.

October 4, 2024

clean for a couple days, fall, and who’s that knitter?
posted by soe 1:23 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. I did a deep clean of kitchen surfaces. I left the spiders, although I forced them to rebuild their webs. (They help with our fruit fly problem.)

2. Sarah and I checked out a new-to-us orchard and cider doughnut bakery. The fog added an layer of autumnal mood.

Foggy Orchard

3. I splurged on a skein of seasonally stripey yarn and now have two (!!) projects going.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are Comments Off on clean for a couple days, fall, and who’s that knitter?.