sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 27, 2011

sunsets through the week
posted by soe 2:06 am

We didn’t get shots from every day this last week, but those we did get were worth sharing.

First up, a slideshow of Rudi’s shots from the Georgetown Waterfront Park taken last Sunday:

For those unfamiliar with the area, we are on the D.C. side of the Potomac, and the buildings across the way to the west are in Rosslyn, Virginia. I believe the shots are pretty much all looking north upriver.

Next, we jump to Wednesday night, when we returned to Nationals Park for a loss to the Diamondbacks:

Violet Sky

Twilight Baseball

Luckily, we had a really lovely sunset and quite a nice evening for baseball. We have two more games this season — against the Mets next Saturday and then a day game in mid-September. I can’t wait!

Finally, as I mentioned in yesterday’s post, my coworker and I stayed late at the office last night, which had us leaving just before sunset. Of course, it had rained earlier in the day, so the sky was still grey above us, but looking south offered a view of some pretty amazing cloud structures rolling in:

Clouds Downtown


Clouds over Dupont Circle

Looking toward Dupont Circle

Clouds over the Indonesian Embassy

Over the Indonesian Embassy

Pretty awesome, right?

Category: dc life. There is/are 2 Comments.

August 25, 2011

miss you, dessert, and both sides now
posted by soe 11:54 pm

It’s the final Thursday of August, I’ve experienced my first earthquake, and we’re gearing up for a hurricane, but those aren’t even all of the beautiful things from my past week. Here are three more:

1. A young couple stand behind a taxi putting his luggage in the trunk. All of a sudden she launches herself at him for a final, passionate embrace; he nearly falls over from the force of it.

2. I stop by the Little Farm Stand hoping for some ripe peaches, but I’ve arrived too late. She does have white peach butter, which, when spooned onto torn pieces of baguette, make a really excellent conclusion to our rainy picnic.

3. After storms this afternoon, the weather dries out, but it remains overcast in anticipation of Irene’s arrival this weekend. Just before sundown, though, the high clouds are obscured by magnificent, towering puffs of grey and white. Now, these are clouds!

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 3 Comments.

midweek music: the muppet show theme
posted by soe 12:22 am

Apparently I’m on a music video kick this week…

The Green Album — have you bought it yet?

If not, here’s another prod to do so from OK Go:

Category: arts. There is/are 2 Comments.

August 23, 2011

musical interlude
posted by soe 3:05 pm

You didn’t think I would be able to let this go without comment, did you?

ETA: How did I forget this one?

Category: arts,dc life. There is/are 2 Comments.

holy shit!
posted by soe 12:55 pm

We just had an earthquake!

ETA (2:32 p.m.): After a short evacuation, we’re back in the building. 5.9 on the Richter scale with the epicenter 90 miles south of D.C. Nothing fell off the walls here on the sixth floor, but you could see things moving, and I definitely was glad to be standing in a doorway as the building waved back and forth.

Rudi is likely heading home for the day, although that’s not yet certain.

I heard from a friend that she could feel it in southeastern Connecticut.

Category: dc life. There is/are 4 Comments.

August 22, 2011

music on monday: ramblin’ man
posted by soe 11:57 am

Cycling etiquette: When you are biking around town and you hear the first chords of a song you like coming from the car in front of you before they change the station to something they inexplicably prefer, it is not acceptable to shout, “No! Turn it back! I was listening to that!”

Because I only got two stanzas’ worth of the song on my ride in this morning, I offer the Allman Brothers’ “Ramblin’ Man” to you here:

Also, I wanted to alert everyone that The Green Album, a new take by modern bands on Muppets classics comes out tomorrow. Some of the songs are straight-up homages, while others are re-interpretations. I’d tell you which songs I like, but I fear it pretty much would look like the track list. That said, “Moving Right Along” (covered by Alkaline Trio), “Rainbow Connection” (Weezer and Hayley Williams), the “Muppet Show Theme” (OK Go), and “I’m Going to Go back There Someday” (Rachael Yamagata) are particular standouts for me after my first week of listening.

You can stream the album this week for free, but they leave the artists off their listings, so you’ll want to head here to see who’s singing. I recommend you give it a listen (every day if you’re like me) and then add the album to your collection in whatever format you acquire new music these days.

Category: arts. There is/are 2 Comments.