sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 25, 2011

miss you, dessert, and both sides now
posted by soe 11:54 pm

It’s the final Thursday of August, I’ve experienced my first earthquake, and we’re gearing up for a hurricane, but those aren’t even all of the beautiful things from my past week. Here are three more:

1. A young couple stand behind a taxi putting his luggage in the trunk. All of a sudden she launches herself at him for a final, passionate embrace; he nearly falls over from the force of it.

2. I stop by the Little Farm Stand hoping for some ripe peaches, but I’ve arrived too late. She does have white peach butter, which, when spooned onto torn pieces of baguette, make a really excellent conclusion to our rainy picnic.

3. After storms this afternoon, the weather dries out, but it remains overcast in anticipation of Irene’s arrival this weekend. Just before sundown, though, the high clouds are obscured by magnificent, towering puffs of grey and white. Now, these are clouds!

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world this week?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 3 Comments.

midweek music: the muppet show theme
posted by soe 12:22 am

Apparently I’m on a music video kick this week…

The Green Album — have you bought it yet?

If not, here’s another prod to do so from OK Go:

Category: arts. There is/are 2 Comments.