sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 31, 2021

shots from cottonwood canyon
posted by soe 1:21 am

Before I get too far away from my trip to Salt Lake, I thought I’d share a few more photos:

These are all from the same road, within half an hour of each other in Big Cottonwood Canyon:





I don’t think I’ve ever eaten inside Silver Fork Lodge before, but there was a foot of snow on their deck and they showed no inclination to serve us out there. I parked myself as close to the fire place as I could.


This is Silver Lake. It’s encircled by a boardwalk, some of which goes along the shore, while other parts skirt the marshy sections along its edge. As you might be able to guess, we couldn’t tell which was which and which was just straight up pond. We followed some tracks for a ways, but then turned around before we fell in.







This is one of the few maple trees in the area.


You’re just driving along all content in the knowledge that October is fall, and then, boom, someone plants a wintery Rocky Mountain in your path.

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October 30, 2021

final october weekend planning
posted by soe 1:08 am

It’s pouring again as I type this and I’ve checked our dry bags. Mostly they’re doing their job, which is to keep the water from seeping into the rest of the living room. You may have seen photos of water lapping at the feet of the MLK Memorial statue, so you can appreciate D.C. is getting more than a fair amount of rain today. The rain is supposed to taper off soon and the rest of the weekend should be dry. Fingers crossed everything holds.

Other than keeping my domicile dry, here’s what I’m hoping the weekend includes:

  • Apple picking and doughnut procuring with Sarah on Sunday
  • A trip to the farmers market before she and I leave
  • Giving out candy to trick or treaters (I must figure out where the candy bucket has shifted to. I saw it right before I left for Salt Lake.)
  • Painting my nails Halloween colors
  • Going for my first Coffeeneuring ride of the season
  • Picking up a Halloween and a Christmas read at the Arlington library (I really wish they’d coordinated their holds better so I wasn’t stopping in two weekends in a row, but c’est la vie.)
  • Reading
  • Knitting
  • Visiting the garden to pick up the tomatoes that may have blown off the vine this week (I definitely won’t need to water!)
  • Doing laundry
  • Starting the Christmas cleaning
  • Doing some writing

Okay, this feels pretty ambitious for the energy level I’ve had recently, but I’m confident I can put a dent in the list at the very least. And hopefully Sarah will want to drive tomorrow…

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October 29, 2021

teamwork, happy camel, and negative
posted by soe 1:21 am

Mountainside Meadow in the Rain

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. My volleyball team played an excellent game.

2. One of Rudi’s dearest friends from college is on the first leg of my flight home. I notice her because she’s wearing a sweatshirt from our alma mater. She comes back to sit in the empty seat next to me for a while.

3. There have been breakthrough COVID infections at the assisted living facility where Rudi’s mom lives. She tested negative, as did I. (Rudi will test when he returns home next week. I figured two flights plus the possible exposure at the facility merited my testing before rejoining my volleyball team at an elementary school, particularly since I wanted to verify my sniffles and sneezing were due to allergies.)

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 1 Comment.

October 28, 2021

final october unraveling
posted by soe 1:30 am

Final October Unraveling

No, the shawl isn’t done. But, honestly, I’m a little tired of showing you three rows here and three rows there, and so I’m showing you the potential second sock I might make next.

The book is a modernized comic/graphic novel interpretation of Nancy Drew by Kelly Thompson, Jenn St-Onge, Triona Farrell, and Ariana Maher. I enjoyed the first issue/chapter and am looking forward to polishing it off quickly. Oh, and it also features the Hardy boys.

Head over to As Kat Knits to see this week’s reading and crafting roundup.

Category: books,knitting. There is/are 1 Comment.

October 27, 2021

midweek music: ‘don’t lose my number’
posted by soe 1:19 am

For whatever reason, Phil Collins’ “Don’t Lose My Number” has been an earworm for the past couple weeks, so now I’m sharing it with you in the hopes of it moving on to a new home for a bit.

Category: arts. There is/are 2 Comments.

October 26, 2021

top ten bookish halloween costumes
posted by soe 1:48 am

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday topic from That Artsy Reader Girl invites us to share a Halloween-themed list. I thought I’d share ten bookish characters who might be fun to dress up as, since you’ve still got most of a week to put together your costumes:

  1. Phryne Fisher: 1920s society girl/detective from Kerry Fisher’s mystery series
  2. Pippi Longstocking: Swedish wild child and red-haired bad-ass from Astrid Lindgren’s children’s books
  3. Pippi and Her Pet

  4. Anne Shirley: Speaking of red-haired children, puffed sleeves are in fashion in this year and I can’t help but think of her every time I go to a clothing store.
  5. Dobby the House Elf: Fashion yourself some long ears and pair them with a bathsheet or two and mismatched socks. (The Harry Potter universe is a goldmine of Halloween ideas.)
  6. Max from Maurice Sendak’s Where the Wild Things Are: Add a tail to a union suit-style of pajamas and top the look off with a crown.
  7. Harold from Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crocket Johnson: Speaking of onesie-pj’s, pair this with an oversized violet coloring implement, and it won’t take someone long to guess. I’d probably replace the crayon with sidewalk chalk myself.
  8. Nancy Drew: Pair a sweater-set and skirt with a magnifying glass, and you’re all set. (Actually, if you can get your hands on a magnifying glass, you can probably get several years’ costumes out of the way: Sherlock Holmes (combine with a trench coat), Harriet the Spy (combine with a notebook), and Miss Jane Marple (combine with a shirt-waist dress and knitting project) immediately spring to mind.
  9. Arthur Dent from Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: Put on your bathrobe, grab a towel, and add a notebook on which you emblazon, in your most comforting font, “Don’t Panic!” Bonus points for carrying a cup of tea or getting the number “42” somewhere into your costume.
  10. The Cat in the Hat: Make a red and white striped stovepipe hat out of construction paper, tie a jaunty red bow around your neck and fashion yourself some cat ears and a tail.
  11. Princess Magnolia from Shannon and Dean Hale’s The Princess in Black series: Combine a black top and leggings or a skirt, a black mask and cape, and a crown, and you’re ready to go. Bonus points for transforming your unicorn, Frimplepants, into your trusty steed, Blacky, by giving him a black mask, too.

Got any other bookish Halloween ideas?

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