The entirety of D.C. seems to either be watching this stupid hockey game OR sitting in tea shops/coffee houses trying to escape everyone else watching the stupid hockey game.
I have been forced to return home to put on headphones and wait it out…
The entirety of D.C. seems to either be watching this stupid hockey game OR sitting in tea shops/coffee houses trying to escape everyone else watching the stupid hockey game.
I have been forced to return home to put on headphones and wait it out…
I’m sad to report that death has touched three friends of mine this week:
N.B. It would be unfair to equate the death of an animal member of the family with losing a parent or a grandparent, but it is also equally unfair to say that it doesn’t leave a hole in the hearts of those left behind. Love is love, after all, and we are always richer to have given and received it, regardless of the species or the relationship.
My sympathy goes out to Heather, Sam, and Grey Kitten. I wish them all the ability to recall happier memories in the dark days ahead.
It’s been a long week (mostly in a good sense) and I’m feeling overwhelmed and exhausted by it. So my three beautiful things may make sense to no one but myself — or maybe they will:
1. The first peek of ocean when coming around a bend in the road is enough to make me feel like a load has been lifted from my shoulders. The hour or so we spend on the beach is my most relaxing in months.
2. D.C. has had a surprisingly chilly, snowy winter. I left home on a day that felt balmy in the lower 40s only to reach the other coast and find it practically tropical in the 60s. On Tuesday I spent much of the day out in the sun with bare arms and legs. In February…
3. My brother’s partner appears to be exactly what I would have picked out for him: sweet, funny, kind, and cute. I’m sure he’s not perfect, but he really does seem like a great guy, and I’m really happy for the two of them.
And because this merits mention, a fourth bonus item:
4. An old friend is the best kind because they know you well enough to call you on your shit, remember your old stories when they were just life, and are willing to stay up late with you when the nothing you thought you had to say turns out to be something after all, even though you both have to be up early the next day. Plus, sometimes they will invite you to bake cookies with them.
What’s been beautiful in your world recently?
I’m home. It was a great trip to San Diego, with minimal work frustrations and the opportunity to see my brother, meet his partner, and spend time with Grey Kitten and his husband.
I’ll update more later, as I’ve spent most of tonight dozing on the couch and, now that the dishes are done, want nothing more than to continue doing so but in bed. Plus, what my body considers 5:30 in the morning is going to come around far too soon.
I’d like to tell you that I’ve been composing blog entries in my head and just haven’t had time to post them, but that would be a lie.
I have been having fun.
I have been sleeping.
I have been busy.
I’ll write more when I have a chance, but it might not be until I get back to D.C.
Tomorrow Danny and I are going to try to see San Diego’s newest panda cub, Yun Zi. I’d better get some sleep!
It’s 7:35 a.m. on the West Coast and I’m finally awake. After a quick shower and ironing of the skirt I’m going to wear to work today, I’m going to head outside and find someplace I can sit in the sun with some breakfast. Weather Underground claims that it’s currently raining lightly here, so I hope the blue skies don’t disappear while I’m in the shower. Either way, it’s still in the 50s, so you won’t hear me complain!
ETA: Definitely more cloud cover, but not still some sun.