Before I get too far away from my trip to Salt Lake, I thought I’d share a few more photos:
These are all from the same road, within half an hour of each other in Big Cottonwood Canyon:

I don’t think I’ve ever eaten inside Silver Fork Lodge before, but there was a foot of snow on their deck and they showed no inclination to serve us out there. I parked myself as close to the fire place as I could.

This is Silver Lake. It’s encircled by a boardwalk, some of which goes along the shore, while other parts skirt the marshy sections along its edge. As you might be able to guess, we couldn’t tell which was which and which was just straight up pond. We followed some tracks for a ways, but then turned around before we fell in.

This is one of the few maple trees in the area.

You’re just driving along all content in the knowledge that October is fall, and then, boom, someone plants a wintery Rocky Mountain in your path.