posted by soe 1:47 am
Rudi heads to Salt Lake tomorrow afternoon, and I’ll join him Friday night. His mom suddenly moved into assisted living earlier this year, and he’s been working on getting her house emptied out so it can be sold. We’re hoping the next few weeks are the final push in this process, and I’ll go put in my work detail for a week. But before I do, I have a few things I need to wrap up here:
- Get through three more days of work (and the attendant to-do list there)
- Put the herbs Mum sent me home with into the ground and harvest anything ripe
- Get a flu shot
- Win a volleyball championship
- Get stuff back to the library
- Clean the apartment (didn’t happen before CT; looking less and less likely to happen before SLC)
- Make sure we have enough supplies for our cat sitter
- Do laundry
- Pack
- Get myself to the airport with enough time to catch my plane (should be super obvious, but it’s not)
I guess I’ve got my marching orders for the next few days…
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