sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 18, 2024

winterizing, a recommendation, and let’s go mets!
posted by soe 1:58 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. We spent last weekend in Connecticut with my parents. We did a lot of work around the yard, with a huge assist from Hod and Joanne, family friends who are like an aunt and uncle to my brother and me. We also got to celebrate my dad’s birthday and eat apple crisp and lots of pizza.

2. Rudi’s friend Rachel needed a vet and remembered that I’d said we liked ours. She was much happier with how they treated her and her cats, so I’m glad we were able to connect them.

3. Rudi and I listened to the second game of the NLCS on our drive home Monday. The Mets had a grand slam and scored seven runs, and they still managed to keep us on the edge of our seats before winning the game mere blocks before we arrived home. Good for staying alert as the drive wore on, but so stressful. (The Mets are in a must-win situation now against a very strong Dodger team. May our pitching arms and our bats warm up as we need them.)

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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