sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 5, 2020

post-election unraveling
posted by soe 1:18 am

Post-Election Unraveling

By this point in the week, I’d expected to be done with Brandy Colbert’s The Voting Booth, a book about two Black teens on Election Day. But I hadn’t counted on being swallowed alive by work or fighting off the anxiety of the election with evening naps. Silly me! I should have expected that!

I’m also surprised to still find myself (just) on this side of the heel of my sock. I’d planned on turning the heel last night (instead of working) and then working on the foot during the four-hour phone call I was doing that presentation for. The one that got canceled this morning. Good for the work I needed to do, but not good for my knitting.

Hopefully by this weekend I’ll be done with both. I’ve got other things waiting impatiently on the sideline.

Head over to As Kat Knits to see how others are spending their knitting and reading time.

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