sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 2, 2020

november planning
posted by soe 1:51 am

We are now months and months into pandemic shutdowns, travel restrictions, and general malaise. In an effort to keep these last months of the year from spiraling into a hot mess, I thought I’d come up with a list, similar to the ones I often make for weekends, of things I’d like to accomplish each month. I will not get mad at myself if I don’t cross items off, but if I get stuck this gives me a physical place to turn to to see what I could work on.

This month is … fraught. This weekend marked week three Rudi was out in Salt Lake. We know he’ll be out there at least another week, but it has the potential to stretch on for a while past then. And the sun has hit the road south to go shine on other people for the next three-plus months. And the fate of democracy … there is reason to be hopeful. Maybe not optimistic, but hopeful.

But either way, I need to do a better job of taking care of myself in November than I did in October.

Here’s how I think I can do that:

  • Eat supper by ten each night. (I know. Some of you are in bed at that hour. I’m not. And ten would be a huge improvement over midnight, which is when I’ve been eating about half the time.)
  • Get out once a week first thing in the morning before my first work call. This will be painful, but it’s probably my best shot at getting some sun during the week. Also try to take at least one midday workweek walk around the block.
  • Eat more veggies. I keep buying them as if someone is going to cook them for me. Related: Look through the cookbooks I love to buy and then hand off to Rudi.
  • Start working on Christmas stuff. I cannot make mixes, write cards, and craft all at the same time. So I need to start earlier. Maybe if I write out the envelopes in early November at least I’ll actually get my cards out this year. I have already started sampling new Christmas tunes. And I’ve done a little shopping and started looking for other gifts. (Yes, to Bridget and others wondering, we are doing the Virtual Advent Tour again this year. I’ll have a formal announcement a little later in the month.)
  • Put out more fairy lights.
  • Plan a virtual tree-trimming party. (The tree will still be IRL.) Or maybe several? Those mass Zoom calls don’t seem so fun to me.
  • Bake something. Anything at this rate. Or make bread. Also, see if the sourdough starter in the fridge is still any good.
  • Spend more time reading and less time on my phone.
  • Get through all my recycling and paper shredding. (I hate my shredder, so I just stopped using it.)
  • Call my friends.

How about you? What will help you get through November?

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