sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 16, 2007

carpet, inner strength, and wrapping
posted by soe 12:18 pm

I came back to work today after two days out sick. Walking to the Metro, I realized fall finally arrived while I was tucked in my Burrow sickbed. I offer you three beautiful things from my walk:

1. The rain and the wind brought down many leaves, which I shuffle through crunchily on the sidewalk. They are beginning to moulder, and the scent takes me back to my childhood.

2. I love how even leaves do not want to die. They lose their chlorophyll from their outer edges first, crinkling delicately around the edges, but tenaciously clinging to branches and to life.

3. As I bounce from the escalator into the station, I see an elderly couple heading up and out. The woman is losing her scarf, and her husband turns to grab it for her. He lovingly wraps it around her neck and gently ties it so it will stay put.

My heart just about broke with joy.

Anything beautiful and autumnal where you live?

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