sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 13, 2021

notes from the garden: mid-september 2021
posted by soe 1:55 am

Mid-September Gardening

Today was one of the biggest harvest days I’ve had in a while: a cucumber, a bunch of large tomatoes, several cherry tomatoes, a handful of chili peppers, about three tomatillos, basil and sage, a sharp stalk of lemongrass, and two yardlong beans.

You can see from that shot that the bunching onions are abloom, bringing all sorts of pollinators to my garden.

But although most prolific, those aren’t the only flowers I have at the moment:

Mid-September Gardening

Mid-September Gardening
Double petunia

Mid-September Gardening
Million Bells

Mid-September Gardening

Unphotographed: a snapdragon and candy cane-striped impatiens and my small white dahlias.

I also have veggies growing, including chard, other peppers, sorrel, a couple kale plants, and some zucchini that the squash bugs have infiltrated (as well as the cucumbers and one tomato plant).

What’s growing in your garden or yard these days?

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