posted by soe 1:04 am

It’s been another grueling (mostly in a good way) week at work, which means I also need to work on putting in adequate time recreating this weekend, right?
Here’s some of what I’m hoping to squeeze into (or out of) the weekend:
- Taking a trip across the river to the library. Arlington has weekend afternoon pickup hours, and I have a book on hold that will expire on Sunday.
- Video-chatting with friends. We now have a monthly chat with globe-trotting friends who used to live in D.C. (and a couple who still do).
- Drinking daiquiris. The more we have this weekend, the less we have to clear out of our freezer when our new fridge arrives later this week.
- Baking. Now that I have a/c, the thought of turning on my oven and stove no longer fill me with dread.
- Gardening. The potatoes that need planting really need planting, so I’ve moved them out into the hallway. Now I just need to dig out some beans to add to the mix.
- Knitting. I’d like to get past the heel hump of my sock. Too many of my work projects feel like this — that I’m stuck on one piece that takes all my mental energy, preventing me from moving it along to the next stage. The only way through any of these things is through, which means butt in seat, head in game.
- Shopping. Interestingly, dish soap has not magically appeared in my kitchen, but dirty dishes keep doing so. (No one said magic was fair.) The weekend is really not the ideal time to have to go to the store, but it is what it is. But I probably have some Doctor Bronner’s in the camping cube I can use if I need to, but that requires more digging in the closet than I really want to do.
- Reading. I’ll probably spend some of the time at the garden listening to an audiobook, but I’d also like to put in some time turning literal pages.
- Spending time outside. There is absolutely no reason why I can’t do at least several of the items on my list from the park. (Shopping and baking could be a little bit of a challenge, but gardening definitely is a check in this column…)
- Sleeping in. Again, a lot harder to do when your apartment is warm, so I’m really looking forward to spending a little extra time in bed.
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