Flickr is down, so instead of my sunset shots, I’m going to give you a sense of what’s going on in the Burrow in the early morning:
Smelling: Overripe strawberries in the berry bowl on the table.
Feeling: A warm, soft Corey awkwardly tucked under my arm and draped on the edge of my lap in front of my laptop. Tired, from having dozed off on the couch before I got the dishes done and because I’m PMSing. Mentally exhausted from having put in two really long days at work (albeit from my couch and rocking chair), without having checked off a whole lot from my to-do list (my mother would tell me to put all the things I did do onto my list, but that method just makes me feel worse). But also hopeful because I only have two meetings scheduled for tomorrow and I have blocked hour-long chunks on my calendar to try to move projects forward. (If this fails, I’m going to have to ask my equally harried boss for some help in managing my priorities.)
Hearing: Birds in the trees, because it’s after 3 a.m. Cars passing by, because we aren’t as shut down as we used to be. Occasionally, a light rustle from the window well, where I assume a bug is out for an early-morning stroll. The fan in the bedroom whirring.
Tasting: Chocolate. Do you think Hershey kisses taste different from Hershey eggs or bars? Why do you think that is? Does the unique shape require a slightly different recipe?
Seeing: A super messy living room. I really need to do something about that, but after the long work days, I’m really lacking the energy/enthusiasm to move forward on any other task at this point.
Feel free to give me a sense of how you’re doing in the comments.