I was out walking the other day, trying to get to the house where they have the Barbie party scene out front to see if the Barbies were socially distancing or if they were living a better life than the rest of us. But there were a group of neighbors hanging out in that vicinity, so I couldn’t get close enough for photos. (As best as I could tell from across the street, the Barbies were not socially distancing, but had taken to wearing masks, and at least two seemed to be boxing a coronavirus ball. I’ll ask Rudi to get us photos later.)
But I did get to see who lives near the Barbies. It turns out their neighbors, one block over and tucked into a tree box, are fairies!

No one seemed to be about.

But it also seems like fairies would be much better at social distancing than Barbies.

I’m sure they were just waiting for me to pass by.

Have you discovered anything new and exciting about your neighbors during this time of sheltering in place?