Three beautiful things from my past week:
1. Sourdough bread, made from my starter. Yes, it’s probably cheating a little bit to make it in the breadmaker, but at this point, whatever gets it turned into bread is a winner, in my mind. We ate warm slices as soon as the loaf was cool enough to cut and had it toasted for breakfast with butter and jam.
2. This week, in addition to accepting some paid part-time work with a local campaign he really believes in, Rudi has, with a friend, launched a nonprofit project, BikeMatch, that pairs local cyclists who are willing to donate bikes to people who need them during this crisis. In their first couple days, they’ve already heard from 50 people. I am super proud of him.
3. I painted my toenails. This weekend I’m going to do my fingernails.
How about you? What beautiful things have you been noticing in your world to help you deal with this?