sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 29, 2020

off to points west
posted by soe 1:41 am

My job is taking me to San Francisco in the morning. I’ll be there for an event on Thursday and then will take a red eye back early Saturday morning. I’ll have some normal work to do, as well, while I’m gone.

But I’ll also have a little time to myself, too. I’m hoping to enjoy the nice weather, to swim in the (outdoor) hotel pool, to check out restaurant week, to attend the local version of the creative professionals event I go to here in D.C., and to see an old friend.

And at the end of it I’ll come home, where Corey will be glad to see me for the weekend, but where I’ll also have the apartment to myself for the following week. Rudi does a lot of traveling for ski coaching in February and March — prime snow time, obviously — but this year, I’ll also be on the move. In addition to this trip, February holds time away in Connecticut, Arizona, and Florida. I think we’ll both be in D.C. at the same time 10 days for the whole month.

So pardon me while I log off and go curl up with him for a bit. I’m going to miss him!

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