sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 22, 2008

view, compliment, and testimonials
posted by soe 3:11 am

Before I head out to see the new Indiana Jones movie at the Uptown, I wanted to post my Three Beautiful Things from the past week:

1. Monday night we went to see the Nationals beat the Phillies. While I was wandering the stadium looking for food (I eventually found where they hid the knish stand), I got the chance to see some of the views Taxation without Representation Park was supposed to offer — and at sunset. If you’re on the fifth floor, you can see the Capitol out over the outfield. And if you’re walking up the ramps in left field, you get a great shot of the Washington Monument — in this case, against a gorgeously deep pink sky.

2. It’s been chilly here this week, which means more time wearing the winter clothes I haven’t yet put away. On Tuesday, I wore my Every Day Cardigan — possibly for the last time this spring. I ate lunch with a bunch of coworkers I don’t see too often and one of them, knowing I was a knitter, asked, “Do you know the person who knit your sweater?” “Why, yes, I do!”

3. On Sunday, we attended a memorial service for Mike Shor, an older member of D.C. for Dean, the political group we all helped run. It was a touching afternoon, as his daughter and sister shared personal memories of his love of food, family, and the outdoors; his childhood pal talked of rainy hikes and animated discussions; and two fellow DC4D members offered insights into his political character. It was a touching and fitting send-off of a fine man.

ETA on Friday: Oops. I started my post on Tuesday and then forgot to adjust the time stamp when I published it. Thanks for pointing out the error, Mum.

Category: three beautiful things. There is/are 1 Comment.

2008: the year of the frog
posted by soe 12:37 am

The first of my photos from the National Geographic exhibit, “Frogs! A Chorus of Colors,” taken on Mother’s Day afternoon.

Chinese Gliding Frog
Chinese Gliding Frog

Smokey Jungle Frog
Smokey Jungle Frog

A Pair of Vietnamese Mossy Frogs
Vietnamese Mossy Frogs

African Clawed Frog
African Clawed Frog

Amazon Milk Frog
Amazon Milk Frog

If you click the images, you’ll get more details about the individual frog species on Flickr.

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