sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

May 21, 2008

disappointing news
posted by soe 11:19 am

Mike Piazza, former catcher for the Mets, retires.

I was lucky enough to see him play for both the Mets and the Padres. Even as he headed into the twilight of his career after the Mets, he was still a dynamic player with a dangerous bat and a seasoned ability to direct pitchers in tense situations.

I’m glad that he was able to finish his career on his own terms, and I look forward to seeing him as a coach sometime in the future. (And I don’t care what Tommy Lasorda says, Mike. Go into the Hall of Fame as a Met, please!)

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it’s been raining again
posted by soe 1:39 am

I offer you some rainy-day pictures (from a few weeks ago) in lieu of textual content:

Lily of the Valley

Water-Logged Lilies

Still Life

By Any Other Name

Close Up

Would Smell as Sweet

A Rose

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