sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 25, 2020

sometimes on a tuesday…
posted by soe 2:01 am

You share finished knitwear. (Usually, though it’s Friday.)


Before you all get excited, I finished this shawl in 2018. I’ve worn it a handful of times, although mostly only for fancier occasions.


This is Andrea’s Shawl by Kirsten Kapur. I started it for the Tour de France and Ravellenic Games in 2016, and it only took me 18 months to finish.


I have no idea what the two yarns are. I have their labels in some knitting bag and will update this post (or, at least, my Ravelry project page) when I next stumble across them. I do know I bought all three skeins (two pink and one blue-green, both different brands) at Looped (the yarn shop around the corner from the Burrow) specifically for this project.


Similarly, I have also neglected to record what size needles I knit this with. What did I record, you might ask? Good question!


I did not alter the shape of the shawl from how it was written, which is slightly diamond-shaped. I had meant to, but then forgot and decided not to rip out, but just to keep going with it. I’m glad I didn’t bother, since I was able to block it to only be mildly angular at the top, and it adds a bit of interest to the neckline.

In general, it has the prettiest border of anything I’ve ever made. It was so pretty that I bought a shawl pin to go with it before I’d even finished knitting it.


The shawl pin is a Rajkovich Design (now Silver Siren Designs). And they do go together perfectly!


Stay tuned for modeled shots of shawls finished in 2019 and 2020!

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