sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 21, 2020

social distancing plans
posted by soe 12:05 am

Here are two dozen ways I’m thinking Rudi and I can get through what now looks potentially like another month of social distancing:

  1. Ride our bikes places where other people aren’t. Obviously this will be other people’s plans as well, so we’ll have to think like a Sicilian.

  2. Clean the Burrow. I’ve mentioned it before, but the Burrow has gotten rather untidy, particularly after all of this winter’s travel. Also, it would be great to be able to take conference calls someplace besides my bed. And to work at my desk if I so desired.
  3. Garden. I’m going to go put in my pea supports this weekend on the chance that they tell us we must shelter in place at some point soon. Hopefully that way my garden will be able to limp through until I’m allowed to get back to it.
  4. Learn to make pasta.
  5. Learn to make macarons. (Mum has given me the means to do both.)
  6. Restring my ukulele and figure out how to play “Happy Birthday.”
  7. Buy a plant and keep it alive.
  8. Keep the sourdough starter I was gifted today alive and make bread from it.
  9. Call family and friends every couple of days.
  10. Journal.
  11. Read a lot.
  12. Check out some tv series we’ve always meant to watch, like Parks & Recreation, The Good Place, and Gilmore Girls.
  13. Fix our butcher block.
  14. Go through some of the food we’ve stored for a while. I feel like we maybe have equal parts dried beans and frozen strawberries. I don’t think they should go into the same dish.
  15. Visit the park every day until they tell us not to.
  16. Write letters. Because then maybe people will write back.
  17. Knit something big, but not overly hard.
  18. Learn to knit brioche.
  19. Recatalogue our music, books, and yarn.
  20. Take part in online socializing.
  21. Switch out my winter wardrobe for my summer one.
  22. Assemble material to donate once that’s allowed again.
  23. Get art up on our walls.
  24. Get caught up on book reviews here on the blog. (Hey, a girl can dream, right?)

Okay. That seems like a good start.

What are you hoping to do with all your time at home?

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