sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 1, 2018

final february unraveling
posted by soe 1:25 am

So none of this is what I’m currently working on, but everything here has been finished since Sunday night:

Final February Unraveling

The shawl is Kirsten Kapur’s Andrea’s Shawl, which I started knitting for the 2016 Ravellenic Games and which I finished while watching the Closing Ceremony of this year’s Olympics (several hours after this year’s Ravellenic Games finished, unfortunately). I was going to block it tomorrow after work, but Rudi’s final coaching gig of the season has been postponed by a day, so it’ll be Friday night when I tackle that job.

The books are Madeleine L’Engle’s A Wrinkle in Time, which I finally found lurking on the shelf under my desk, and Sun-mi Hwang’s The Hen Who Dreamed She Could Fly (translated from Korean by Chi-Young Kim), a novella fable not unlike Animal Farm. I wanted to re-read the former before the movie came out, and I’m glad I did because I’d forgotten all about Aunt Beast! And I read the latter because I wanted to read something from a South Korean writer during the Olympics and this seemed like the least depressing option of what I saw recommended. I keep seeing it compared to Charlotte’s Web and recommended for children, but that feels inaccurate with motherhood and self-determination being major themes. Animal Farm feels like the better comparison, although Hen is significantly less depressing than that book.

Head to Kat’s for more of what folks are reading and knitting.

Category: books,knitting. There is/are 3 Comments.

Oh that shawl! Beautiful!!

Comment by AsKatKnits 03.01.18 @ 8:19 am

Oh Congratulations on a beautiful shawl finish .WOW. So lovely. You made magic with yarn happen!

Comment by kathy b 03.01.18 @ 1:09 pm

@kathy b: Thank you!

@Kat: Thanks!

Comment by soe 03.10.18 @ 1:35 am