sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

October 20, 2018

weekend plans
posted by soe 1:17 am

This weekend, I’ve got quite a few plans:

  • Spend one more morning with my folks (which does necessitate getting this post finished soon so I can get the packing out of the way).
  • Fly home.
  • Visit the library.
  • Get to the farmers market. (It’s been two weeks. I’m excited to see what’s new!)
  • Take part in Dewey’s 24-Hour Readathon. (I will not be reading 24 hours. But I would like to finish a couple of the books I have on the go and that seems perfectly accomplishable. Also, it’s not too late to sign up if you have some time you can read on Saturday.)
  • Do a Coffeeneuring ride. (Hot drinks! Exercise! New-to-me library branches! Also not too late to sign up if you have access to a bicycle!)
  • Stop at the garden and probably pick a few tomatoes and a few peppers.
  • Go apple picking with Sarah. (Our annual foray!)
  • Eat cider doughnuts (from our annual foray)!
  • Watch a film — maybe on dvd, maybe at the movie theater. There are several we’d like to see and my volleyball is getting in the way of seeing them with Rudi on cheap Tuesdays.
  • Finish a knitting project. (Good god. This one is on here like every week…)
  • Hang out with Rudi and the cats, all of whom I’ve missed tremendously this past week.

How about you? What are you hoping your weekend includes?

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