sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 14, 2018

regular, dinner, and morning commute
posted by soe 1:38 am

Three beautiful things from my past week:

1. I am often scooting over to the Tuesday lunchtime farmers market just before it closes, but this week I was even later than usual, arriving only five minutes before the closing bell. The guys at the bakery stand, who make grilled cheeses, laugh and tell me they’re psychic and that they’d just put my sandwich on, assuming I’d be there any minute. Similarly, I often head to the local indie coffeehouse after volleyball on Wednesday evenings, because it’s too nice to go inside just yet (and I’m too smelly and damp to go anywhere to sit inside). As I walk in, the barista behind the cash register asks, “Cup of tea tonight?” and the woman who’s the manager (and who complimented my knitting last week) makes sure I have bug spray, since their patio seems to be a mosquito magnet.

2. We received a supper invitation we had to decline over the weekend and another we were able to accept this evening. It’s nice to have everyone back in town after the summer.

3. I was running a little later for work than I wanted one morning, there were no bikeshares at the docks nearest The Burrow, and the next train was going to run me against the clock. When I passed one of the new electric scooters on my way to the metro station, I decided to rent it and use it to get to work. They’re speedy! But also the brake didn’t respond the way I wanted it to, which made the commute rather fraught, so I stuck almost exclusively to bike lanes. I don’t know I would take one again, unless I was caught needing to get somewhere fast and it’s my speediest option, but it was exciting to try it and a new way for me to get around town.

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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