sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

January 26, 2018

baby king cake, raincheck, and boxed up
posted by soe 1:32 am

Three beautiful things from a week of sickness:

Prince Cake

1. One of the last things I managed before getting sick was to go to the farmers market, where one of the bakers was selling King cakes (okay, two of them were, but the other is a French patisserie and their gâteau des rois are very European). They had several sizes, including this large cupcake-sized one, which the salesperson said she was calling a Prince cake.

2. A permit confusion meant this week’s volleyball games were canceled at the last minute. That would not normally be a cause for joy, but given I was in the middle of a respiratory illness but was still going to try playing, ended up being a Glad Game-type ending to the story. Instead, I went home and took a nap.

3. Rudi and I got the Christmas ornaments all put back into their storage containers, which has given us our laundry basket back (since that’s the only container large enough to hold them all when I take them off the tree).

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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