posted by soe 1:32 am
Rudi and I started off the weekend well by catching a baseball game tonight that the Nats ended up winning! Plus there were fireworks!
Here’s what’s on tap for the rest of the weekend:
- Laundry
- Potentially a visit to the library
- Potentially a visit to the garden
- A trip to the farmers’ market
- With some luck, a drive north to meet up with Jason, who’s flown back to Maryland to visit his folks
- If the rain holds off or if we feel like getting wet and if it doesn’t conflict with Jason’s schedule, the Earth “Day” concert on Sunday down on the Mall with John
- Uploading photos. I’ve taken lots, but haven’t posted them to the web to share them with you.
- Getting caught up on the stupid book reviews. I have a bunch of drafts sitting half finished (or barely begun) in the back end of the blog and I’d feel so much better publishing them already.
- Knitting. I think I could finish Rudi’s second sock if I just put my mind to it.
- Reading. I’d like to finish my Frank Baum fairy tale soon.
- Cleaning. The Burrow looks like a tornado hit it. Actually, a tornado hitting it might cause an improvement. Some quality time with a paper shredder, a bag destined for Goodwill, and a dust rag is probably in order.
- Sleep. I’m still not feeling 100%, so a few extra zzz’s certainly couldn’t hurt before Monday’s Very Busy Day.
Just to prove I’m serious about my list, I’m going to go tackle that last item now.
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