sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

April 9, 2010

weekend plans
posted by soe 11:51 pm

So, um, I may have decided at the last minute to join tomorrow’s 24-hour readathon. I may not go the full 24 hours, and some of that time definitely will be spent listening to a book rather than reading one, but I figured it would be fun to participate again. (And, no, this doesn’t substantially differ from any other weekend… You’re absolutely right… ) I’ll be updating some tomorrow with bookish news.

I’ll also be spending some time at the garden this weekend, mixing up the soil Rudi and I bought last weekend. Expect a few photos by Monday to show the before and after.

And we’ll be heading out to brunch to celebrate Sarah‘s birthday (which was today) on Sunday. Sarah gave her blog a new identity for her blogiversary earlier this month, and I bet she wouldn’t mind if you popped over to wish her a happy birthday weekend.

Finally, Grey Kitten and his husband, David, adopted some new kitties last week. Rudi and I have nagged on a pretty much daily basis since then for photos and Grey Kitten obliged tonight. Check out his Flickr page to see the new additions (Roger and Shadow) and how their resident feline, Kady, reacted to their arrival.

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