sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 14, 2006

new book acquisition
posted by soe 11:32 pm

Since I have no new reading progress to report today, I instead will share the new (to me) book I bought Saturday.

In an effort to spend some daylight sunshiny time outside, we ventured northeast one neighborhood to Adams Morgan. I stopped at Western Market for some sorbet (very few vendors had showed up) and continued north on 18th Street. Rudi wandered over to the bike shop and I hunkered down at Idle Time Books to see what the owner had added recently to her stock.

I always browse the kiddie lit section of used bookstores first. I’m not looking for anything in particular, but I often find books I’ve meant to read or that I read long ago that ask to come home with me.

At Idle Time, the children’s section is buffered by cookbooks and travel books. I found nothing amongst the kid’s books or the travel lit, but nestled amidst the other cookbooks, I did find a treasure — a Moosewood cookbook.

My experiences with Moosewood vegetarian cookbooks have been limited. I was introduced to them by Rebs and have had some recipes out of them over the years, but I’ve never owned one. And they’re very hard to find used, leading me to believe that once someone owns one, it is too well-used and well-loved to make its way to the used bookstore.

My book is Sundays at Moosewood Restaurant: Ethnic and Regional Recipes from the Cooks at the Legendary Restaurant. Aside from the chutzpah it takes to call your own restaurant legendary (however true it might be), the book is filled with exciting recipes I can’t wait to try. From West African Peanut Soup to Sweet Potato Bread to Shepherd’s Pie, it all sounds great — and edible for those who try not to include a lot of meat in their diet. What a treat!

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