sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 11, 2006

fun weekend activities
posted by soe 4:44 pm

My folks are in town and a fun weekend has been planned.

Tonight, we’re heading to RFK to watch our beloved (and National League-leading) Mets play the Nationals. No, I don’t feel guilty about rooting against the hometown team. I grew up with the Mets, and while I like the Nats, they can’t begin to fill the space in my heart that belongs to the team of my childhood. (When the Mets aren’t playing the Nationals, I am more than happy to root for the Nats to do well.)

Tomorrow we’ll be heading out to Virginia to Wolf Trap to see Peter, Paul, and Mary perform. Mum and Dad have seen PPM perform recently, but Rudi and I haven’t seen them since before Mary was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer. We last saw them perform shortly after we moved to D.C. It was the eve of the war in Iraq, and they sang from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial awash in candlelight. It was a magical, moving performance and I don’t expect this weekend’s concert to compare. But I do expect that it will be a lot of fun — and the weather looks likely to cooperate with our lawn seats, so that makes me even happier.

I’m not sure what else we’ll be up to (although Rudi and I, at least, will fit in a trip to the farmers’ market on Sunday morning), but it’s bound to be a good time.

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