sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

February 22, 2006

the advent of the daffodil
posted by soe 4:34 pm

A great column on the etymology of the daffodil, appeared last week in Britain’s Guardian newspaper: Daffy days.

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much like nbc (knitting olympics, stage 3)
posted by soe 11:47 am

knitting olympics logoOver the next five days, I will be flooding the airwaves with information about the Olympics. NBC seems to be all-Olympics all the time. I will try not to be that bad, but we’ve reached the critical mass point where it is necessary to focus obsessively on the end goal.

Remember the four little mousie socks I was competing to finish? Well, progress has been slow.

One little bootie is now sitting done, sans ears, eyes, and whiskers, and in need of sewing up. One little bootie has the ankle done and needs to move on to the foot. The next little bootie was accidentally knit in the round before I realized they should be knit flat and is waiting for me to figure out how to adjust the pattern or to frog it in desperation. And the final little bootie exists right now only in my imagination (where, by the way, it’s adorable).

Once the Olympics are over, I promise not to give you knitting updates multiple times a week. I promise to devise other topics of conversation. Ummm… Spring training? Books? Next Tuesday’s jury duty? Next Friday’s KT Tunstall concert? All will be fair game next week. I promise.

But in the meantime, we now return you to the Burrow, the site of our current Knitting Olympics event…

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