A pre-St. Louis, post-birthday Three Beautiful Things:
1. Last Sunday when I went to the farmers’ market, many of the usual vendors I buy from hadn’t made it in from their farms because of the previous night’s storm. But the flower vendor was there, and I came home with a huge bouquet of flowers — stock, tulips, paperwhites, anemones, rununculus, and snapdragon. They’re now in vases and empty glass bottles on top of the fridge and make the kitchen fragrant and colorful.
2. As I was walking home from Georgetown on Tuesday, I passed a house where the flowers had been confused by the recent warm weather — forcythia was in full bloom. The yellow sprays just look so cheery, even if out-of-place in February.
3. I was looking at the folk section of the iTunes Music Store on Tuesday and was surprised that three of the artists in the top ten downloads section were unfamiliar to me. I downloaded two of the songs before Rudi told me he’d recently bought the third artist’s cd on a whim after listening to it in the store.