sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

June 14, 2005

meme meme meme
posted by soe 5:23 pm

Rudi has taken the concept of the meme and turned it into a memoir on his personal music history. And he has passed the torch on to me to do the same.

Some people would give lazy, impatient readers a hyperlink to jump down to the survey at this point. I am not such a person. Scroll down yourself if you’re that impatient. Otherwise, journey back in time with me…

Category: arts. There is/are 4 Comments.

sent home
posted by soe 12:56 pm

D.C. schoolchildren have been sent home for the day because it’s too hot in the school classrooms.

My building decidedly does not suffer from the too hot syndrome (couldn’t they spend a bit less on AC and pay each of us a smidge more?), but I’d like to go home nonetheless. Or, even better, to the beach.

Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are Comments Off on sent home.