posted by soe 1:44 am
I’m not going to lie: this is going to be a busy week for those of who dwell in the Burrow. What am I hoping to get done, all before my annual tree-trimming party next Sunday, you ask?
- Head back to D.C. from Connecticut
- Learn how to use the 3D printer at the library’s maker lab
- Play volleyball
- Complete a couple of handmade gifts
- Finish cleaning the Burrow
- Kick off the Virtual Advent Tour
- Tackle a couple cooking projects
- Buy a Christmas tree
- Have friends over for dinner and a game night (potentially)
- Attend a seminar with tips for improving your job search
- Grocery shop
- Do laundry
- Make a couple library runs
There are probably some other things that I’m forgetting, but that’s baker’s dozen list as I have it right now.
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