posted by soe 1:42 am
Rudi has gone to Colorado to run a ski camp for some of his athletes, which means I’m home alone. The only things that were in pen on my dance card are now in the past, which means I need to get a plan to fill my time a bit more productively than I have been lately. Here are ten things I’d be very happy to have crossed off before Rudi returns home Monday morning:
- Reduce Mt. Laundry significantly again. I picked up a roll of quarters Monday, and can always head back to the credit union on Friday if I need another.
- Get some more job applications in. Because I’ve been slacking on that the last little bit.
- Paint my nails. Rudi does not love the scent of nail polish, so I try not to do it while he’s awake/home.
- Get the kitchen cleaned up. Rudi did a rearranging of our kitchen shelves and pantry earlier this year, but never came up with something to do with the things he didn’t find a place for. Time’s up and everything is going where it fits. We can rejigger again as need be.
- Switch the rugs. We have two rugs in our living room and they need to be on the opposite sides of the room. Easier with two people, but better to have it just done.
- Donate the Toys for Tots. I meant to send them with Rudi when he went to the storage place on Monday, but I only mentioned it in my brain.
- Finish a knitting project. It’s been on the needles for way too long.
- Pick the last of the tomatoes and tomatillos in the garden. It finally looks like that freeze is coming.
- Get my clothes switched out. Right now there are piles everywhere.
- Buy tickets to see P!nk next summer. I mean, does that even need further explanation?
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