sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 3, 2020

first week of le tour unraveling
posted by soe 1:46 am

First Week of Le Tour Unraveling

Four days in and my shawl is currently about half the size of a washcloth, or roughly the size of a hardcover book. I’m enjoying knitting on it so far.

I’ve got three books on the go at the moment. I started a graphic novel this evening — Maggy Garrisson by Lewis Trondheim with illustrations by Stéphane Oiry. It’s about a scrappy young woman who starts working at a detective agency, only to have the detective beaten up less than a week into her employment. It reminds me of Stumptown. (I haven’t actually read the Stumptown graphic novels, so it just reminds me of the tv adaptation.)

I’ve also got We Ride Upon Sticks by Quan Barry going. It’s set in a New England high school in 1989, where I also could be found that year. I’m finding it very familiar, although I’m hard pressed to believe something set during my lifetime is considered historical fiction.

Speaking of historical, my final read is the audiobook of Agatha Christie’s The Secret Adversary, set in 1920s London. It is full of cartoonish villains and bias, but I find Tommy and Tuppence so utterly charming that I’m not put off the way I have been with similar novels.

Head over to As Kat Knits to see what others are reading and crafting.

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