sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 17, 2019

top ten favorite snacks to eat while reading
posted by soe 12:59 am

Today’s Top Ten Tuesday topic from That Artsy Reader Girl invites us to consider the snacks we like to consume while reading.

Mine include:

  1. Peanut butter or plain M&Ms
  2. Oreos
  3. Ritz with peanut butter or cream cheese (the latter I spread with a knife, while the former tends to be just dipped in the jar)
  4. Granola (eaten out of the bag)
  5. Blueberries
  6. Apples
  7. Tortilla chips
  8. Chocolate chips
  9. Triscuits
  10. Honey Bunches of Oats (usually eaten out of the box)

How about you? Do you tend to munch on anything particular while reading?

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