sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

July 21, 2008

posted by soe 11:51 pm

So, I’m heading out on vacation on Wednesday morning and won’t return home until late Monday night. During most of that time I’ll be camping on a farm in upstate New York, hanging out with my friend Shelley and her family as a folk music festival goes on around us. I’ll also be heading to a ballgame and to visit the family for a night.

When I asked Shelley how many books she thought I should bring, she promptly answered: “Four. Something funny, something thought-provoking, something non-fiction, and something else.” I’m not sure I agree with her categories, but I definitely agree with the number. I could, however, use some help narrowing down my choices.

That’s where you come in. Leave me a comment and let me know what you think I’d enjoy most while I’m away. Here are your choices:

Category: books,travel. There is/are 5 Comments.

weekend a bust
posted by soe 8:51 am

A mild stomach bug confined me to the house most of yesterday, so many of this weekend’s plans failed to materialize. I did manage to:

  • Go to Costco (although I didn’t get to pick up my contacts) and go grocery shopping for some supplies for our trip
  • Reorganize the kitchen so that it’s more user friendly, particularly regarding our cookbooks and what’s kept in the oven
  • Work on two socks, although I didn’t finish any!
  • Back up this year’s photos onto cd and clear space off the camera’s memory card
  • Watch a couple episodes of The Muppet Show
  • Finish The Book Thief and read this week’s chapters of Sense and Sensibility
Category: life -- uncategorized. There is/are 3 Comments.