sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 17, 2007

posted by soe 8:59 pm

Thank you to everyone who participated in my pre-blogiversary reading conversation. Twenty-three of you contributed suggestions to my library list and I’ll be picking several of the books off the list to bring home this week.

I’ll also be picking several names to win prizes — which I’ll do tomorrow once I have some prizes to show you.

My second blogiversary was spent quietly. I made scones this morning. I read (Jasper Fforde’s The Fourth Bear). I cuddled with cats. I ate grilled cheese and tomato soup in honor of the final official weekend of winter. I wound some yarn — to start my Bloomin’ Socks and to begin the front of my Everyday Cardigan. We watched basketball. I napped. We ate pizza. I thought about, but did not do, any laundry. A quiet, but good, Saturday.

Check back tomorrow for the winners of my drawing and what they’ve won. It should be good!

And thanks again. I blog because I like to, but you guys sure do make it more interesting than talking to myself!

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