I’ve been wearing green all week.
For those of you who grew up outside the Northeast, this might explain why.
Connecticut has some of the highest percentages of Irish and Italians in America. This means that even if you don’t fall into one of those ethnic groups, for all intensive purposes you might as well…
And, for the record, I never heard of pinching someone not wearing green on St. Patrick’s Day until I met people in college who’d grown up elsewhere. Jenn, Debby, or Grey Kitten — Have you ever had someone pinch you in Connecticut if you forgot to dress up? Anyone else from the Northeast want to weigh in?
For those far from green-wearing brethren this season, I offer you this clip of “Early Riser,” from Robbie O’Connell. Robbie is a nephew of the famed Clancy Brothers, with whom he used to tour. We knew him from our summer vacations camping in Cape Cod. You never had such good sing-alongs around the campfire…
(If you like what you hear, you can download the album from iTunes.)