sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

March 8, 2007

caught, beat, and sun
posted by soe 10:43 am

Three beautiful things from the past week:

1) As I lay in bed yesterday morning watching the snow drift down, a flake gets caught in a spider web and glistens. Because it’s so cold, it lasts for quite a while.

2) While walking from the Metro to my office, I pass a woman and a child, whom I assume to be her grandchild. The girl, whom I guess to be around three, is bundled up in a tiny purple parka; the woman in a long dress coat. The woman sing-counts a marching beat for the child and laughs when I catch her eye and smile.

3) Last Friday was warm enough for me to sit outside at lunchtime to read my book and eat. I found a spot along a pedestrian pathway and was able to bask in 65 degree sun unaccosted for a whole hour.

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