sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

August 23, 2005

one down, one to go
posted by soe 11:25 am

Okay, I still haven’t done any planning for the England trip (see the post below), but I have finally made reservations for Sam and Alexis’ wedding in Massachusetts on a long weekend during the fall foliage season.

The hotel had booked all the rooms reserved at the special rate, but the woman on the phone was remarkably accomodating and sweet and added one for me. Alexis and Sam chose well, and I look forward to our stay there.

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three weeks and counting…
posted by soe 11:12 am

Rudi and I leave for England three weeks from today.

We have: one dress and one suit for wearing to a wedding, one night’s lodging reserved for us by the soon-to-be-wedded cousin, and two plane tickets.

We do not have: a rental car or train tickets, nine night’s reservations at hotels, a wedding gift, or an itinerary (except for Saturday night, when we will be going to the wedding in the Bristol area).

Methinks that we’d better get cracking on that…

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