Well, it’s a good thing I didn’t bring my yarn, because I can only think of one point when I could have squeezed that into my packed schedule.
Otherwise, it was a nice weekend. Karen and I got a chance to have lunch, pick peaches, and stand in the rain for an hour. I apologize publicly to Michael for getting in the way of his evening plans… I hope you both were able to reschedule/revise the fun.
I got to see some extended family members I haven’t seen a while at the reunion on Saturday. Some of them not in years. Others were unable to join us, but it was still great to see those who could come. And we got to meet Caera, the new (canine) addition to my uncle’s family. What a cute puppy!
Danny and I got to explore New London County together today. We ate Ocean Pizza (real burn-the-roof-of-your-mouth, fresh-out-of-the-oven Connecticut pizza!), wander through the Arbo at Conn, and watch ducklings body surf at Avery Point at sunset.
And the dress passed muster with Mum, Dad, and Gramma. I’m done shopping for clothes (maybe) for this fall’s weddings. Hooray!
I’m beat, so I’m going to toss stuff into my suitcase and hit the hay so I can catch my plane back home early in the morning.
But I’m so glad I came. It’s the good sort of tired…