sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 28, 2017

long holiday weekending
posted by soe 2:31 am

Tappan Zee and Gov. Cuomo Bridges

The weekend in Connecticut was lots of fun. I got to see my folks, my brother, and my best friend. There was a lot of talking.

I watched the parade, some old and a new-to-me holiday movies, and a nice chunk of the Great Performances‘ taping of Holiday Inn.

There were old favorites consumed and new favorites sampled. I helped bake rolls, roll pie dough, mash potatoes, and make gravy. I decorated several dozen spritz cookies. I drank hot egg nog and ate gingerbread cake.

Evidence of Cookies

I helped my parents set up Christmas trees (or, at least, to get them indoors) and did some Christmas shopping.

I vegged in front of the fire, finished some knitting, and got a little reading done. I did not get to go through many of my boxes in the basement.

And while there was a lot of time in the car, there was no time in the office for six whole days!

I hope you all had a nice holiday weekend, too!

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