sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

November 14, 2017

coffeeneuring 2017: ride #4
posted by soe 1:37 am

No, in case you were paying attention, you did not miss posts on rides #2 or #3. Because ride #2 was to my regular library, I didn’t think to take photos inside, so I want to go back and get some to show it off properly. And I had a good portion of the post for ride #3 done when I realized that I wanted to include shots that are on Rudi’s phone (and he’s sleeping).

So, we’re skipping ahead to ride #4:

Coffeeneuring Ride #4: A Baked Joint (440 K St., N.W.) and Rosedale Library (1701 Gales St., N.E.)

Rosedale Neighborhood Library

Saturday, Oct. 28; 11.63 miles

Hot chocolate, brownie-chocolate chip cookie bar (more…)

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