As my socks come to an end (they’re not there yet, but with luck we’ll have an FO post this week!), I’m looking ahead and contemplating future knitting. This is one contender: the blue (it’s only got 135 yards, which makes it a little short on its own for much of anything) with one of the greens.
Speaking of contenders, while my first post-illness read was Jason Reynolds’ latest, Long Way Down (go read it!), I took my readers’ opinions and the length of the holds list at the library into consideration and pulled Exit West by Mohsin Hamid back into the game as well. I’m about two-thirds of the way through and am enjoying its storytelling quite a bit.
I may up the playback speed of The Secret History of Wonder Woman to see if it sounds weird. (I’m more than halfway through and we haven’t yet reached Wonder Woman’s conception; it would have been better titled The Secret History of Wonder Woman’s Creator and the Women He Loved) I’ve still got a week on it from the library, but Ibi Ziboi’s American Street is also checked out to me and I’d like to get going on that. I wonder if Rudi would be interested in listening to that for some of the Thanksgiving weekend drive…
Visit Kat’s blog for what others are reading and knitting.