Having done book, yarn, and knitting swaps before, the Ninja Book Swap is one of my favorites. Last Friday, I came home to a box from my partner:

Olive sent me presents, each with notations about why she made the selection.

I am now the proud owner of Frederik Backman’s My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She’s Sorry, which was on my swap wish list, and Ashley Weaver’s Murder at the Brightwell, the first in what Olive says is her favorite cozy mystery series. I’m so excited to start reading them both!

Olive also sent me chocolates from Sarris Candies, a Pennsylvania chocolatier. (I love presents from near where my swapper is, and chocolate presents are always awesome!) She also included Manipulator, a hair gel from Bed Head by TIGI, since I was saying here that I’d recently cut my hair and was looking for some new products to try with my short ‘do. Since I discovered that The Body Shop had gotten rid of the hair stuff I’d relied on the last time my hair was short, it’s been wonderful to get to try something new!
Thank you, Olive, for such a wonderful parcel of fun! And thank you to the Ninja Book Swap organizers for all the behind-the-scenes work!