I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving (or just a wonderful Thursday if you’re located elsewhere). Rudi and I drove up to spend the holiday with my folks, and we stuffed ourselves full of doughnuts, turkey, stuffing, rolls, vegetables, and pie. We watched the parade, counted our blessings, shared stories of loved ones not with us this year, and enjoyed each other’s company. (I also had two long naps, which means I missed most of the parade and most of the Disney special. Oops.).
Three beautiful things from the past week:
1. When she phoned yesterday to check on our drive’s progress, my mom reminded us about one of their alternate routes north, which was far less trafficked than the Garden State Parkway would have been. (Don’t worry; we hit plenty in both Maryland and in Connecticut.)
2. We decided to stop for supper at Modern Apizza, but when we pulled up, we could see the crowd spilling out of the vestibule and onto the sidewalk. We are nothing if not devoted to our pizza, though, so just pulled out all our warm gear and prepared to wait. Turns out that there were two large parties waiting to be accommodated, and we were able to walk right in and sit down at a booth. (We finished our meal and left before either group was seated.)
3. Thanksgiving is one of the days when my folks light a fire first thing in the morning and then it keeps burning all day. I like to spend parts of the day curled up on the hearth.
How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world recently?