sprite writes
broodings from the burrow

September 23, 2016

new shows, evening color, and fall fruit
posted by soe 12:44 am

Three beautiful things from the final week of summer:

1. The fall season of tv started this week. The highlight of the new shows I’ve seen so far is Speechless, the Minnie Driver-fronted comedy about a family who regularly moves in order to find the best school and situation for their eldest child, who has cerebral palsy and uses a wheelchair and a speech board. Pilots aren’t usually the best way to judge a new series (they’re trying to introduce all their characters and do the elevator speech in 22 or 46 minutes), so I’ll probably stick with Pitch, Designated Survivor, and The Good Place for a few more episodes despite their flaws.

2. There have been some spectacular sunsets this week.

3. At the Tuesday farmers market, I buy my first apples of the season. So crisp!

How about you? What’s been beautiful in your world lately?

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