Today’s post is part of Karen’s Weekending roundup and Carole’s Ten on Tuesday meme:
We started the weekend with a picnic at the Yards. It was Julia’s birthday, so Sarah picked up cupcakes. I have not been feeling especially social lately, so I’d given myself permission to leave anytime after I’d wished Julia a happy birthday. I stayed until the park closed when we all went our separate ways.

I admired a rather spectacular sunset. I understand Hermine made for gorgeous evenings up and down the East Coast. (It was also lovely on Saturday as I was driving over the Key Bridge.)

Rudi and I went to the pool on Saturday. It was in the 70s and breezy and there were clouds that kept covering the sun. It was not crowded. We returned today for the final day of the season, and it was mobbed. So crowded that they’d run out of sign-up sheet space and just waved us in. The water was chilly, but the deck pavement was warm. I may have napped in between swims.

We did some grocery shopping. We picked up important things like whipped cream and Oreos and olive oil and cat food. We also went to the farmers market, where we bought more important things like tomatoes and celery and onions and milk.

We tried to go to an outdoor movie in Rosslyn, but it turned out to have been canceled. (That part was poorly advertised.) We came home and watched Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban instead. Last night, I stayed up late and watched 13 Going on 30. I’d forgotten Mark Ruffalo was in it. He seems like a nice guy, so I might watch more of his films just because he’s in them.

I got to see the Netherlands Carillon. It was … fine. One would assume it’s more impressive when someone’s playing it. The views from it of D.C., however, are stunning.
I slept in this morning. I probably could have slept more, but it felt productive to get up before 11.
I washed a lot of laundry and a lot of dishes. I put some things away. I probably could have done more of that, too.

We watered the garden and picked basil and three potatoes I could see poking out of the ground.

I read Clare Legrand’s Some Kind of Happiness. If you liked A Monster Calls or A Bridge to Terabithia or Wildwood, I’d recommend this.
How about you? What did you get up to this weekend?